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Names Of Begonias

Names of begonias

Names of begonias

Tuberous begonia (Begonia × tuberhybrida) are a group of hybrids of different species of begonias. They are among the most popular begonias and include thirteen groups. The most important feature of these begonias are the tubers that they form as an organ of survival.

How many varieties of begonias are there?

How many different begonia varieties are there? There are around 2,000 species in the Begonia genus. Most of the species come from tropical climates and require warm temperatures to grow.

What is the most beautiful begonia?

The Begonia Maculata is one of the most wanted and well-known begonias. It is definitely one of the most photogenic houseplants. This begonia is also known as the Polka Dot Begonia or Spotted Begonia.

How do I tell what kind of begonia I have?

If your plant has beautifully patterned leaves, it is most likely a rex begonia. An obliquely shaped leaf that looks like a wing indicates an angel wing or dragon wing begonia. Green or bronze oval leaves let you know you have a wax begonia. Finally, look at the flowers.

Which begonias are the hardiest?

The hardiest begonia, by far, is the tuberous Begonia grandis (USDA zones 6-10; Sunset zones 3-24) from China and Japan. Several clones are now in cultivation. The typical form has large round leaves with a pale green reverse, or with red veins, and pale pink or white flowers.

What are the easiest begonias to grow?

Cane begonias are among the easiest to grow. Showy hanging clusters of red, pink or white flowers open in spring and summer. Some cane-stemmed begonias flower all year long. These begonias have handsome foliage as well as attractive flowers.

Which begonias bloom all year?

Once begonias begin flowering, they bloom continuously from summer to frost. There are several different types of begonias. Wax begonias and angel-wing begonias are usually grown as outdoor annuals or indoor houseplants. Both grow from a clump of roots and are winter hardy in growing zones 9-11.

Which begonia is best for pots?

Compact and bushy, Begonia 'Beauvilia' is ideal for pots. It flowers freely until late in the season and has a flower shape similar to 'Million Kisses Elegance', which was also bred from Begonia boliviensis.

What is the difference between begonia and tuberous begonia?

Gently dig up your begonia and take a look at the roots. Fibrous-rooted begonias will look stringy; rhizomatous will have creeping surface stems and roots; and tuberous begonias have a round, flattened brown tuber that looks, well, a lot like a cow pie!

How many years do begonias last?

As the water evaporates, it will create a zone of humidity around your plant. No begonia has a long life span. Most only live for 2 to 3 years, even with good care. Cane begonias such as angel wings go dormant if the temperature gets too cool.

Which begonias can tolerate sun?

Wax Begonias You can commonly find varieties with bronze-flushed foliage, as well as types with adorable, rose-like double blooms. One of the best things about wax begonias is that they grow well in sun or shade and thrive equally well in landscape beds and borders as they do containers.

Do you deadhead begonias?

Pruning and deadheading begonia is recommended to promote a bushier plant with more flowers. Also, prune if your plant becomes leggy. This will help the plant have healthier looking growth and helps encourage the plants to put energy towards producing more flowers.

What are the new begonias for 2022?

If you like colorful foliage and have some shady spots in the yard, four variations of Jurassic Rex begonias are debuting in 2022. Jurassic, Jurassic Dino, and Jurassic Jr. grow 14 to 16 inches tall, while Jurassic Megalo grows about two feet tall.

What is the most expensive begonia?

– Begonia Maculata This begonia variety comes with an ornamental pattern on its surface, consisting of silver-white spots on dark green foliage. It is the most expensive begonia and the leaves are large measuring eight inches in length and the undersides bear a reddish tinge.

Which begonias are not tuberous?

Any begonias that do not have tubers or rhizomes fall into the third general category of fibrous-rooted varieties. These have ordinary root systems and include many varieties commonly used as summer bedding plants. All begonias with glossy leaves are of this "wax leaf" begonia type.

Do all begonias come back year after year?

Yes, with the proper care, begonias will survive the winter. Though they are most commonly used as annuals, they're actually tender perennials that can live for many years.

Do begonias do better in pots or in the ground?

Begonias prefer growing in light, rich soil with a good concentration of humus, similar to the makeup of potting soil. So it's no surprise the plants tend to thrive in containers. Begonias planted in a pot should be spaced 4-6″ apart and with the tubers buried hollow-side up.

Which begonias are perennial?

Less widely known, but quite lovely, is the hardy begonia (Begonia grandis), a perennial species that will survive winters in Brooklyn and throughout USDA Zones 6–9.

Can begonias tolerate 50 degrees?

Most species of begonias can be damaged by temperatures lower than 45 or 50 degrees.

Can begonias tolerate high heat?

Yes, you can grow tuberous begonias where it is hotter and drier but it will be much more difficult. Inland areas should use the more heat tolerant non-stop begonias, buy them as early in the spring as possible and plant lots of ferns, baby tears and other plants to increase humidity. It helps to mist during the heat.

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