Starling Migration
Starling migration
Resident to short-distance migrant. Adult birds north of 40 degrees (the latitude of New York City) and many juveniles move south in winter, traveling down river valleys or along the coastal plains. Some birds spend the winter in northern Mexico and the Lesser Antilles, but most remain in continental North America.
Do starlings migrate from England in the winter?
Do starlings migrate? The majority of starlings in the UK are resident birds, however some are migratory. They travel from northern Europe to spend the winter here, arriving during September and October. They will return home during February and March.
What time of year do you see starlings?
Where can you see them? Autumn roosts usually begin to form in November, though this varies from site to site and some can begin as early as September. More and more birds will flock together as the weeks go on, and the number of starlings in a roost can swell to around 100,000 in some places.
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